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Hold That L: Failing Your Way To Success (Final Installment)

The Dalai Lama once said, "a lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity." I started this blog for a specific reason: to help people on their path towards realizing their dreams. What better way is there to help than to share my journey and my own missteps with you? I fail just like the next person and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

Last Wednesday, I published the second installment of this month's blog series "Hold That L: Failing Your Way To Success." When I posted the entry to my blog site, I personally thought it was a fairly well-written piece. The message was one that most people would be able to take something from and apply to their lives. Readership had been increasing from week to week and I expected this trend to continue with the last entry. To my own dismay, it did not.

The second installment of "Hold That L" received only 24 percent of the page clicks that the first installment did--a 76 percent decrease from one week to the next. Ouch. Whatever the reasons may have been--the reader may have thought the topic was redundant, I didn't properly market it, the text in the link was broken, there was a lack of interest, or life got in the way--numbers do not lie. I just did not connect with the reader (If you have any feedback, please feel free to comment below or email me at

While I did receive positive feedback from some who read the entry (thank you to those who did so), in regards to reaching my target audience and attaining a certain number of page clicks, I failed miserably. So of course I was initially discouraged. I'm human. It happens. I had a moment. But just as quickly as that moment came, that moment went. I pulled my head out of my behind and began viewing this L solely for what it was: yet another opportunity to improve and get better.

This experience reinforces what I talked about in the first two installments of the series: critically analyzing one's approach to an objective and continually improving upon it, appreciating the learning experience, persevering through trials, and remaining true to yourself. The setbacks we experience only make us stronger and better equipped to handles inevitable issues in the future.

So in retrospect, I'm happy I failed. There is no time for sulking, feeling sorry for myself or being mad people didn't read the entry. That doesn't produce results. No, this is the time to embrace the L, recommit myself to the process, and do what is necessary to attain my goals. On the court, shooters don't stop shooting when they miss, they keep shooting. Remixing the lyrics of Big Sean, "[Last week] took an L, but [this week] I bounce back." When you try something new, you are bound to have missteps. Do not let your slip-ups deter you from pushing through and continuing to go after what you want.

I do not have all the answers, but what I do have is a willingness to continue to learn and grow, and in turn pass along the lessons I've learned to you. I hope disclosing this experience helps you stay the course on your own journey. It's not always going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it. Never forget: where there is no test, there is no testimony. Continue to shoot your shot, until your shot goes in.


This entry completes the "Hold That L" series. The next blog entry will be posted the week of October 1st. In the meantime, feel free to read past entries. Stay blessed and stay committed to your dreams.

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